I’m a part of a speed writing club. We have thirty minutes to write and edit a piece of content. The content has to be a minimum of three hundred words and it’s always on a certain topic. Today my topic is professional fence painting.
So what can I say about fence painting? I think fence painting is a great way to add colour and a bit of extra character to a front yard. Fences don’t usually stand out, mostly because they don’t have a very aesthetically pleasing function. The only role of a fence is to keep people out and keep pets in. But fences can be so much more than that.
I spoke to a number of people who have fences in their front yard and they all agree with me. Whilst only three of the ten have actually had their fence painted, everyone agrees that a painted fence looks better than a regular fence. The numbers don’t lie.
In addition to adding character and visual appeal to your property, a painted fence can also act as a landmark or as a way to differentiate your property from others when giving directions. I mean, it is significantly easier for people to look out for visual landmarks than it is to follow directions on a map or look at house numbers. Other people in the street may even use the property with the painted fence as a landmark for their property.
Evidently, the benefits of using one of the local painters in the Melbourne area to paint your fence is well worth the time and money. With several hard to deny benefits, painting your fence will transform the look of your property into something boring and drab to something colourful and well known.
After reading my post, I would urge everyone in my writing club to go and get their fence painted. Turn your home into the most beautiful home in the street today.